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  4. YABBY YOU meets KING TUBBY - Walls of Jerusalem (with unreleased mixes and studio outtakes) (2x CD)

YABBY YOU meets KING TUBBY - Walls of Jerusalem (with unreleased mixes and studio outtakes) (2x CD)

貴重で上質なレゲエ/ダブ音源のアーカイヴァルなリイシューで知られる名門レーベルPressure Soundsから、ジャマイカ音楽史における究極の名タッグ、YABBY YOUとKING TUBBYによる1976年の伝説の1枚『Walls of Jerusalem』がリイシュー!!
YABBY YOU(本名:Vivian Jackson)とダブの王様KING TUBBYの長年のコラボレーションにおける最高到達点として語り継がれる名盤に、今回発掘された驚愕の完全未発表6曲や入手困難なレア・ヴァージョンを追加収録した2枚組セットの完全盤としてリリースされます!!

[ CD1:『Walls of Jerusalem』]
1) Walls Of Jerusalem
2) Chant Down Babylon
3) Fire Round Town
4) Plague On The Land
5) Tribulation
6) Go To School Jah Jah Children
7) Dub Of Jerusalem
8) Chanting Dub
9) Firey Dub
10) Dub Plague
11) Tribulation Dub
12) School Days Dub

[ CD2:『Studio Outtakes and Versions』]
1) Vivian Jackson and the Prophets - The Man Who Does The Work (unreleased
2) Smith and the Prophets - Valley of Joeasaphat (unreleased cut)
3) Vivian Jackson and the Prophets - Go To School Jah Jah Children (unreleased cut)
4) Vivian Jackson and the Prophets - Love Of Jah (unreleased horns cut) 5) Tommy McCook - Sand In My Shoe (unreleased cut)
6) The Prophets - Jah Vengeance (unreleased cut)
7) King Tubby - Greetings
8) The Prophets - Stand Up And Fight Dub
9) The Prophets - Fire Fire Dub
10) King Tubby - Love Of Jah Dub
11) King Tubby - Sand In My Shoe Dub
12) The Prophets - Prophets Dub
13) The Prophets - Repatriation Rock

YABBY YOU meets KING TUBBY - Walls of Jerusalem (with unreleased mixes and studio outtakes)
[ 2019 / UK / PRESSURE SOUNDS / PSCD103 ]


¥ 2,080 (税込)

商品コード: 19RG0080《在庫なし》/ 2x CD


  1. CD
  1. CD
  2. REGGAE | DUB | SKA (CD)